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The progressive education model of the last hundred years has failed.  Lower standards, decreased discipline, and an atheistic worldview has contributed to both academic and moral decay.  According to a November '21 poll by Parents for Educational Freedom in NC, less than half say public school is their first choice.  At Heritage Classical Academy, we want to be part of the solution by offering a clear alternative for our community.  Consider the information below and contact us to learn more.

Reading Proficiency


"Children who read proficiently by the end of third grade are more likely to graduate from high school and to be economically successful in adulthood." -The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2013). Early Warning Confirmed: A Research Update on Third-Grade Reading


"Students who cannot read proficiently are especially unlikely to obtain a post-secondary degree..." - The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2010). Early Warning! Why Reading by the End of Third Grade Matters

Stanly County Schools (2018-21)

3rd grade reading 21.png

Stanly County Schools (2020)

2020 college enrollment.png

Standardized Testing


"The state Department of Public Instruction says 78 percent of the more than 42,000 parents who responded to a November survey said their children take too many tests. State officials also say that 76 percent of teachers have said that students are being tested too much."


Source: Hui, T. Keung. "Are N.C. Students Tested Too Much In School? Some Legislators Think So - And Want To Change That."   Winston-Salem Journal, 24 March 2019,


In North Carolina, non-public schools are required to administer to all students in grades 3, 6 and 9 each school year, a nationally standardized achievement test in the subject areas of English grammar, reading, spelling and math. Additionally, administration of a nationally standardized test which measures competencies in the verbal and quantitative areas is required for grade 11 students.


At Heritage Classical Academy, we will meet these state requirements but otherwise, will not emphasize standardized testing.

School Spending


"Higher school spending did not appear to translate to more student learning. Specifically, on 4th and 8th grade National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores, often called 'the nation’s report card,' there was no clear correlation between spending increases and test improvements from 2003 to 2015...the Mackinac Center Ben DeGrow notes, 'Six of the top 10 states that improved their average test scores on the NAEP the most were among the 11 states with the smallest funding growth.'"


Source: Skorup, Jarrett. "More Money for Schools Doesn't Always Mean Better Outcomes for Kids." The Hill.  07 February 2019, 


Cost per Student.png

Note: The years are grouped by test version. 2013 is omitted due to being the first year of a new test producing unusually low scores (45%).

For a look at national spending versus academic performance, check out this article by the Cato Institute.


You have a choice.

Results from similar schools


Since we're just getting started, please take a look at the examples below to see how classical Christian education is making a difference in the lives of students, their families, and their communities. While the location, demographics, and resources may vary, the desire to provide an excellent Christ-centered classical education for their students and the transformational results are the same.

Brookstone Schools - Charlotte, NC

Brookstone Schools is a K-8 classical Christian school incorporating a biblical worldview into quality education for under-resourced families in Charlotte.  According to their 2018 DIEBELS reading assessment, 88% of their 3rd graders achieved reading proficiency.  In addition, many of their 8th grade graduates go on to attend elite private schools in the Charlotte region on partial or full scholarships.

Hope Academy - Minneapolis, MN

Hope Academy is a K-12 classical Christian school that ministers to students and families in the inner-city of Minneapolis.  According to their 2018 test results, Hope Academy students achieved 64% proficiency in Math and 67% in Reading compared to 24% and 26% respectively in their local public schools.  While their test results are great, they note that student growth in Christian character is what they value most.

Cary Christian School - Cary, NC

Cary Christian School (CCS), the third largest classical Christian school in the nation, celebrated their twentieth year in 2017. Starting in two mobile trailers, CCS's campus now sits on a beautiful 21 acre campus. Serving grades K-12, their annual tuition is $7,836, which is less than Stanly County's average cost per student in 2018. CCS's average SAT score is 1248 (150 points higher than the average for North Carolina public schools) and  average ACT score is 27 (eight points higher than the average for North Carolina public schools).

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